留言人 | Peter |
留言標題 | Trip to Taiwan |
留言內容 |
I just returned to Germany with my wife Jennifer from a visit to Taiwan where we spent several interesting and enjoyable days with Laoshi and a variety of his students. I started practicing Qi Gong and experiencing Fa Gong from Germany about two months ago along with Jennifer. At first I was extremely skeptical about the possibility of healing through Qi Gong via the telephone or even from recordings via the Internet. Only just before our trip to Taiwan I first became aware of some physical sensations of Qi in my hands and other parts of the body. While in Taiwan we got Fa Gong every day for about four days. I was amazed at some of the experiences. I felt a much stronger sensation of Qi almost instantly the first time I received Fa Gong. One time during Fa Gong my right arm, which is injured in three places, appeared to not be there. Another time my head felt tilted in an impossible way to my left side, but when I opened my eyes my head was upright. Another time I saw waves of light while someone else was receiving Fa Gong. During those days my right shoulder and arm improved dramatically. I also have had back pain over the past months which started to improve during Qi Gong practice in Germany and now has improved greatly again. Long flight usually aggravate my back pain, but not so this time after the 12 hour flight. I hope I can come back very soon for an intensive Qi Gong course. Peter 我和我的太太Jennifer剛從臺灣回到德國。在臺灣時,我們與老師和他的幾個學生,渡過了幾個愉快、有趣的日子。 大約在兩個月之前,我和Jennifer 開始練習氣功及體驗發功。最初,我對電話發功甚至語音發功之治療可能性有著極大的懷疑。不過,就在我們踏上臺灣之旅的前些日子,我的手和身體的其他部位,第一次感受到了氣。 在臺灣,我連續被現場發功了四天,有些經驗令我很驚奇。可以說在第一次發功時,我即刻就有了強烈的感受。有一次,我感覺我那受傷的右手好像不存在了…. 還有一次,我覺得自己的頭,以不可能的斜度歪向了左邊,可是當我睜眼一看,頭還是正的。又有一次,當其他人接受發功時,我看見了一波一波的光。 在那幾天我的右肩膀和手臂的傷,好了很多。在德國因為做氣功的緣故,幾個月前的背痛已有些改善,如今更是大大地改善了許多。通常坐長距離的飛機,總會引起我的背痛,不過這次就算是坐了十二小時的飛機,我的背也不痛。 我希望我能快一點回來,上老師的現場密集教功的課程。 Peter |
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2009/1/1 下午 01:16:41 | 此篇是 Peter 與 Jennifer 給我及大家最好的新年禮物。 Peter 還不會寫中文,說中文也只能說出幾句簡單的話。 故此篇是 Peter 撰寫,由他的太太 Jennifer 翻譯。 看到此篇,我的氣是共振的,我的眼睛是流淚的。 不是為著 Peter 捧我而高興流淚,因為從以前到現在捧我的人太多了,已習以為常。 是因為句句真誠,句句流露內心的寧靜,等同虛空深處的寧靜,而使我感受、感動而流淚的,這種寧靜是我要學習的,也是我今後要精進的。 這是有因由的,也許 Peter 知道我在說什麼。 今我預言,智慧共振氣的理念與實際運作,將因 Peter 與 Jennifer 不斷的學習、領悟、實踐,而開花結果,傳遍歐洲各國,利益了有緣的歐洲人民。 順祝 帥哥與美女 新年快樂 萬事如意